An IFrame really probably would be the easiest, and like you guessed,
doesn't even use "AJAX" per se,
and yet DOES keep the illusion of "dynamical as you click on stuff" (the
user never sees the whole
page refresh, only the graph changes, in it's "frame").

Maybe part of the trouble is there is a million and one ways to skin this
cat, you know?  Makes it
hard to pick one off the bat. =-/

You are very polite, Richard White! (hey, that rhyme[s/d] !)

On 10/2/06, Richard White <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> thanks sam, i needed to be able to do it to dynamically generate it as the
> user changes data on the page. I have heard it is not possible in ajax,
> therefore i assume i am just going to have to put a button on the page
> saying update chart.
> not very user-friendly but cant see any onther way of getting around it
> thanks again sam

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