On 10/4/06, Snake <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Well you could always use the ploy that is being used with spoofed bank
> sites.
> User thinks they are going yo www.barclaysbank.co.uk
> But your really sending them to www.barclayswank.co.uk which has a valid
> SSL, so nothing looks amis.
> Russ

I think that was the bit that was confused. Dave keeps asking about
how it could be valid, I think this is what Bobby (IIRC) was talking

It would be a valid cert, but that has little to do with SSL, per se.

More that whole, "biggest hole is 'tween the user and the screen" or

What's swell is that some email clients now warn you if the link says
"ssl.paypal.com" but the actual link is to "ssl.playpal.com".

Stuff like that could cut down on this crap quite a bit.  We don't all
need to be chipped.
I was watching C-SPAN the other night... I'd always thought that
gubment stuff was
boring, but man, that was far out.  There's a lot going on, out in the
open, that I never
knew about.  The identity stuff and recent big $$ grants got me wondering...

People are scaring other people enough as it is, the masses are
already clamoring for a "more secure internet", only, I don't think
they're thinking along the lines of simple link vs. link-text type
checking, if you catch my drift.  More like how we've got a "more
secure" country, here in the US of A, of late. Hey, at least boot
sales are up, right? heh.

Encryption is Evil!
-V'z ylvat

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