On 10/4/06, Andrew Scott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Denny,
> I was not that favourable to any framework because it depended on the job,
> however after now doing a lot of dojo work I have opted to combine that with
> MG:U and with the abilities of coldspring, reactor and ModelGlue and dojo
> tied together I have got an awesome arsenal there.

Oooo la la!  Exactly the combination I've been mulling over.  It's a
switch in thinking for me though- it's like doing stuff in Flash,
which I didn't get into.  Well, maybe a little animation, but never an
application.  :-/
OpenLaszlo holds some interest for me as well.  Have you checked it out?

I think the main reason I like the frameworks is that I'm pretty social...
and open source collaboration rocks the free world.

But there is good and bad to non-conformity, (re: Snow Crash and viruses ;)
and since I'm in control of some projects, and need help, yet can't get
anyone long-term- only short term- I gotta make things easier to pick up
and run with.

I had to be a little different though, so I looked at Tartan and MG
over fusebox.
And I need challenges. =] Reactor I get, ColdSpring I'm getting...  heady stuff,
injection.  Not sure about XML config files yet, but I'm giving them time...

> BTW thanks for the support of the POC, its not perfect as it will not do
> images, other than text, but hey if one wanted to get the header content and
> then change that on the fly it is achievable too.

I dig that kind of stuff.  Maybe too much. ;-)

> I like your comment on taking 4 hours to come up with something that should
> take an hour, but that's life as a developer because we always change our
> code until we are semi happy anyway, so at the end you can say well that
> would have normaly taken me an hour, but I tried to do this and it didn't
> work so I threw it out... LOL

Hehehe! Yeah, I do that too. :-)  I was thinking more along the lines of getting
a mish-mash of data, poorly formatted (if at all), and being expected to
"dynamicalize" it, or add it to an existing system.
Even though they may swear the process will change, it will be a one time
deal, or some other well-meaning sentiment, (and sometimes it's close)- I'll
write up a parser.
    Many times it's taken longer to write the parser than it would have taken
to enter the data by hand, but more often than not, it pays off in the end.

Sometimes I really do waste time trying too hard to save time.  Eh...
 I'm aiming at doing that less, now that I got a kiddo on the way and all.

Using open source stuff is actually helping me focus a little more... it's
not so boring when you're doing it with other people, ya know?  It feels
really good to actually contribute, and speaking of, I guess I better get
back to getting up to speed with some stuff.  I can't contribute if I don't
know it, and the best way to know it is to apply (and then teach ;)  it.

Right after I finish reading my mail... =P

Nice typing with you, Andrew!  Same for you, CF-Talk! =]

ps- I've joined cf-community, so I'll try to keep the more personal public
stuff there (although I can't help mixing it up a little ;)

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