This is probably going to take more javascript than I know how to do, 
since I suck at javascript...

First page of a multi-part form has a drop-down of admin namex to pick from.

<select name="selectAdmin">
  <option value="xox">Other - Enter Information Below!</option>
    <cfloop query="AIData">
      <option value="#MyData.AdminEmail#">#MyData.AdminNam1#</option>

If you ain't in the list, then you should fill in "adminNAME" and 
"adminEMAIL" text fields below that.

I've not quit figured out how to validate this on one page. If "Other" 
is picked in the select, then I need validation for "adminNAME" and 
"adminEMAIL" to happen before the form can be submitted. If "Other" 
ain't picked, then ignore them...

I can check for this on the NEXT page of the form and force them to fill 
in the blanks there, but I want it to take place all on the first page.

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