On 10/17/06, Larry Lyons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: ...

> Still look how much time it takes to develop an app using iText, for
> instance, that mimics the functionality of cfdocument (even with it
> foibles). You may want to do it as a hobbyist, but I'd hate to spend the $$$
> getting it done when cfdocument can handle the requirements much more
> easily. Same with CFmail.

CF is great from the perspective that you've got the high-level, and yet can
drop to the low level, pure java.

CFdocument is pimp, but there are some alright open source alternatives out
there.  For the most part,
people don't need fancy CSS pdfs- at least, from what I've seen.  CF has an
excellent web2pdf generator tho.

Similar things can be said about, say joomba though.  Excellent high-level
modules you can drop in, and low level, pure php.
Well, not really the same things, but sorta along the lines of what I mean,
only it's even easier for people to churn out
pretty ok looking sites, quicker, even if it's sorta a framework or
whatever.  I hear Ruby is sorta quick and flexible too, and
the language looks more human oriented (something I think I like, but also
dislike, philosophically).

It really depends on how much you want to factor in, I hypothesize.  What
kind of app it is, or will be, etc..

No doubt CF is a good choice for many people, and is pretty damn flexible
and fast, but it isn't free.

As for a directory watcher, I'm developing an app right now to use a
> directory watcher as a way to interface with lab equipment, so we can do
> live data collection.

Sweet!  I was thinking of using it for an app that has to transfer pictures
of people from remote locations into a central place and link 'em up with a
database.  Figured I'd set up a webdav folder at the remote sites, and have
them drop them in there, maybe.

> >The idea is that when you factor in the real costs, CF is cheap. When you
> >
> >
> >Well, it's all in the frame of reference, and context, etc.
> >
> >One of the things I learned from the little bit of assembler I worked
> with,
> >was that it's a PITA when you're building it all from scratch, but it
> speeds
> >up quite a bit when you've got skeletons of the various things you
> need... I
> >think the basic idea applies in other areas, because I see this effect
> >everywhere, even with CF- RADicle as it is. ;]
> >
> >Enough said.
> >
> >
> >I don't think you've wrangled the definition of "free" enough for me to
> see
> >CF as "free"...  just because it saves time when looked at from some
> angles
> >doesn't negate the fact that you won't find a "full" version for "free"
> >anywhere.  At least I haven't seen one I could make a million dollars
> with
> >and not have to pay someone else, or whatever.
> >Make a ton of money, and see how free anything is though, I reckon. :)
> Nothing is free, you pay for things one way or another. Thing is CF
> provides a lot under the hood that other languages only provide as add ons.

I do not disagree with that statement, but I wouldn't put CF in the free
category, is all I'm saying.
Value is totally different from cost, or some such... now I want to dig
through my memory and pull
up some of the more interesting points and cross points about value and
whatnot, but this is probably
more appropriate over on community at this point.

It's fine that CF costs money, ya know. =]
(Although I'm bummed about per-processor stuff... we just bought 2 copies
for our 4 processor machine... I guess in a world of 8 or 10 CPUs though...
eh... it's a brave new world! :)

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