On 10/21/06, Andrew Tyrone <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Just put the days in the list, not codes ;-))
> > That will make a field with a max of what? 50 characters may be? Big
> > deal! ;-)
> And...?  It doesn't matter which types of data you store in those lists.
> How would you return a workable query?  You can't, and you'd have to jump

Well, MySQL has some stuff for working with lists... I don't like it,
because it's
one of those things that locks you in with a DB, but hell, who are we kidding?

At any rate, don't pre-optimize or whatever, neh?  Wot Wot (I think that may
be brittish for what what, but I'm not certain)

I'm not sure it's cut and dry.  There are times where it is much easier to use
a list than a link table.  I guess it's one of those judgement calls.
If only we
didn't need judgement, neh? *sigh*  'Prolly be boring as hell...

G'night folks- strange as it is to say stuff like that in a timeless medium, or
whatever. Heh. =]

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