On 10/24/06, Tom Chiverton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Friday 20 October 2006 14:48, Andy Matthews wrote:
> > This isnt for coldspring but in reactor if you are using mysql be sure to
> > set it to mysql4 right now because the reg mysql file is actually for ms
> > sql, that one screwed me up for awhile.
> Bwuh !
> Are you saying the MySQL files generate MSSQL syntax ? Where in particular ?

It's working fine for my mysql tables, so it must have been fixed.
FWIW, I never ran into it, and I've been reactoring pretty heavy for
the last bit...  Dave must've caught it at a bad time.

If you're running production with any of the still-in-development
frameworks (which I hope are perpetually still-in-development), I'd
recommend pinning the revision (if you're using svn:externals) so as
not to get caught by surprise.  If you're just copy/pasting, nothing
should be getting updated automatically.


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