Thanks, guys.

I kind of think someone missed the boat on this applet.
Wouldn't it seem reasonable that, if you want to use a grid
to insert/update/delete records, you might want to have it
operate much like a FORM or CFFORM, using SELECT fields? Oh,

Also, I may be missing it, but I can't find any way to apply
edits to the fields or to format the data, like with
numberformat or dateformat. Without all this functionality,
seems like you have a merely pretty table that encourages
the insertion of really sloppy data.

Just my .02, and thanks again.

Dave Watts wrote:
> > > Yeah. Just like you would do with SELECT or CFSELECT, as in:
> > >
> > > <SELECT NAME="DeptAbbrev">
> > > <cfoutput query="departments">
> > > <option
> > > value=#abbrev#>#trim(dept)#</option></cfoutput></select>
> > >
> > > I can't find anything to indicate something like this is
> > > possible. I guess maybe the question is whether you can nest
> > > a SELECT field within a CFGRID.
> >
> > Oh, you want to actually nest a select within a cfgrid?  No, I do not
> > believe you can do this.  Possibly in a CFGRID that you are manually
> > creating, rather than creating from a query.
> The Java applet used by CFGRID doesn't support this. I'd guess that there
> are third-party Java applets available that do, however. You could use one
> of those instead, but you'd have to populate the data with your own CFML
> code.
> Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
> voice: (202) 797-5496
> fax: (202) 797-5444
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