Hey all -

I'm debugging a customer issue with a CFHTTP call that's reaching out
to a secure location with a valid certificate.  I've exported the cert
(in both base64 and, just to be sure, binary formats) and imported it
into cacerts, but it just won't take.  Other HTTPS sites work just
fine, but I can't get this one to connect.

Has anyone else run into a circumstance where importing a cert still
doesn't keep the connection from failing?  If not, would someone mind
trying to connect to the URI below via CFHTTP and let me know whether
it works for you?  I'm not above admitting that I could easily be
screwing up the import process, but I'm at a loss for how I might be
doing that since other sites appear to work as expected.

The URI I'm trying to import is

It can be accessed directly, of course.

Thanks very much.

Rob Wilkerson

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