You could make people enter their mailing address and physically send
them just one :-)

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thursday, November 09, 2006 1:38 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: CF Print coupon one time - STUMPER

Great feedback everyone.  

Yes the goal is for eveyone to print the coupon once. You're right you
could make copies of the coupon. We're just trying to limit the ways
folks could get more than one copy.

As far as the earlier post about using Javascript to call the popup
window and print, the user can control the number of copies to print
from the print dialog box.

Right now, for IE users, the ScriptX ActiveX control sends the print job
to the  printer without the print dialog box showing up or disaplaying
the coupon image at all. It's as tight as we can get it for IE users, it
just doesn't work on other browsers or a Mac.

I told you it was a STUMPER. 8-)

How about a reward for anyone that can come up with a solution? Name
your price, within reason of course. 8-)


>Your goal is for the end user only to print the coupon once, correct?
>What stops the end user from printing it once, then using a copier to 
>copy it multiple times? Not able to control that. 
>-----Original Message-----
>Sent: Thursday, November 09, 2006 2:06 PM
>To: CF-Talk
>Subject: CF Print coupon one time - STUMPER
>We use MeadCo's ScriptX ActiveX control on our Cold Fusion site for
>printing coupons from a hyperlink without prompting the print dialog
>box.  This restricts the user from printing coupons twice bu using the
>back button and with a little Javascript they never see the coupon so
>they can't to a print screen either.  However, it only works with IE.
>Does anyone know of any solutions or have any ideas how to implement
>this for Mac, Firefox etc.?
>Whoever creates the firefox entension for this will make some cash.
>pay at least a few hundred dollars for it.

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