Matthew Chambers wrote:
> Some of my frustrations with MySQL are:
> - Only 1 query per <cfquery>

I happen to think that is a good thing :)

> - Unable to handle complex join queries e.g. I ran a complex query in 
> a trail version of SQL Server 2000 and it returned in 3 seconds, it 
> took 33 mins in MySQL (this may be becuase we are using a non 
> enterprise version - are there different versions???)

MySQL is obviously taking the wrong execution plan. Have you looked at the 
explain output to see if all the necessary indexes are there? MySQL 5 has a 
better optimizer so upgrading might help. I don't think that there is a 
difference between community and commercial versions.

> - The server grinds to a holt with my complex queries which in turn 
> kills the website.

Fix the query plans.

> The same thing happens when I try to export a 
> backup of the entire DB.

If you want a hot backup of MySQL, either pay for the hot backup tool or run a 

> I obviously have to justify the cost of SQL Server however would 
> anyone argue the MySQL 5 enterprise would be better?

Unless you want to run it on a non-Windows platform, I don't think MySQL is 

But why limit your choices to MySQL and MS SQL Server? There are so many more 
good databases available.


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