Well worth a (skim) read.

On 11/15/06, Rick Root <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm finding this whole subversion thing rather complex.
> I haven't used source control since 1999, and I barely remember that.. I
> don't think it was even CVS.. it was some commercial UNIX source control
> package.  I know that if I checked something out, it locked it on the
> server and others couldn't check it out until I checked it back in.
> I'm trying to get Subversion set up ... I have a server running using
> svnserve on a remote machine.  I copied all of my source files into a
> directory (D:\work), and then I imported the entire directory structure
> into the repository.  It worked, and I can use the repository browser to
> see the files.
> Now that I've imported the files into the repository, what do I do?
> Do I check out the entire directory structure now so I can edit them,
> and then just check them in when I make changes?
> I've installed tortoiseSVN on my local machine - I'm (primarily) using
> Homesite+ for editing CF files.. and Flex Builder 2 for my flex apps.
> Rick

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