On 11/15/06, Rick Root <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Regarding subversion, how do people handle deployment?   Just copy from
> your local "working copy" to the production server, or install
> tortoiseSVN on the server and "check out" working copies there?

Because I create a product, I have an ant script that exports (not
checks out) my code base to a build machine and then I create a
tarball/zip file for deployment.  If it weren't a product, I might
just let the production machine be responsible for exporting the code
itself.  The only problem then, is that you have to install subversion
and/or ant on that machine which I might be loathe to do.

As I think on it, I think I'd rather deploy a tarball in order to
avoid introducing anything I didn't absolutely need on a production
box.  Either way, though, I recommend exporting rather than checking
out because the export doesn't introduce all of the .svn client stuff.

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