
With HTML UIs, we pretty universally use "next-n"
address the issue of large data sets being returned to the client.
is, we initially present a subset of the full data set, and then use
subsequent request-responses to send over additional subsets of the data on

So the need to "rethink things" due to large data sets is only coming up in
RIA development like Flash forms, Flex and AJAX.  For instance where the
data is going into a <CFGRID> or a Flex DataGrid.  A UI element like a
DataGrid somewhat mitigates your observation that "there is no way a user
can cope with 2000 things at once", since all they may be viewing at once
are 20 to 50 rows.  But then there is the scrollbar.  And sort and search
filters applied client side.  Etc.

I am trying to learn what the options are.  Have you had call to "rethink
things" on an RIA due to large data sets?  If so, what did you do?

Clearly Adobe has anticipated this by including paged
of FDS.  But I am pretty fuzzy on the whole FDS thing.  (I understand
that CF 7.0.2 has FDS built in, but that there may be CPU limitations.  And
that buying separate FDS licenses bumps project costs in $10K or $20K
increments (unsure of details).)

Should DataGrids just revert back to "next-n" style interfaces?

I have an application that currently is returning 400 records.  I have the
records going into a DataGrid.  Using createObject(), the latency is
noticeable and undesirable.  I will first be reworking my app to not use
createObject() so any advice you can offer would be greatly appreciated :-)

And though this is not my case, check out this seemingly crazy case where a
developer was using ColdFusion as the back end of "an application that shows
a ton of graphs" where he needed "create like 60 objects that will be
holding approximately 100,000 datapoints apiece and i need to create those
objects dynamically..."

Again, my guess is these are GUI specific issues.  Still, I want to know
that CF has reliable solutions to serve as the backend of choice where these
requirements come up :-)

Best regards,


On 11/23/06, Tom Chiverton <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
> On Thursday 23 November 2006 16:22, greg h wrote:
> >    200 records     As objects:  1180 ms,  As structs:  150 ms
> >    2000 records    As objects:  10,800 ms,  As structs:  460 ms
> I still maintin that if you are even trying to send 2000 of anything down
> to
> the client (HTML, WebService or Flex), you need to rethink things - there
> is
> no way a user can cope with 2000 things at once, so why send them all at
> once ?
> --
> Tom Chiverton
> Helping to enormously engage interactive relationships
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