Use a date picker and get the full start date and full end date
instead of just doing a select box for months and days... It's easier
to work with dates instead of what you're doing...

On 11/27/06, Andy Matthews <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Why not just add subtract one day from the oldest date, then add one day to
> the newest date, THEN do a BETWEEN?
> <!----------------//------
> andy matthews
> web developer
> certified advanced coldfusion programmer
> ICGLink, Inc.
> 615.370.1530 x737
> --------------//--------->
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Rick Faircloth [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, November 24, 2006 2:42 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: How do I get number of birthdays?
> Hi, all.yes, some of us are working today.
> I'm trying to output client info for clients who
> have birthdates between two designated months
> and days.not years.
> For example, I need to return all clients who have
> a birthday including and between Nov 27 and Dec 3,
> no matter what year.
> I tried
> where Month(Client_Birth_Date) >= '#Form.Earliest_Birth_Date#'
>      and Day(Client_Birth_Date) >= '#Form.Earliest_Birth_Date#'
>      and Month (Client_Birth_Date) <= '#Form.Latest_Birth_Date#'
>      and Day (Client_Birth_Date) <= '#Form.Latest_Birth_Date#'
> and that code works (MySQL) when the birthdates fall in the same
> month, such as Nov 5 through Nov 12, but when the birthdates
> span two months, such as Nov 27 through Dec 3, the query returns
> no results.
> using "between" has been suggested, but I need to include birthdates
> on the dates specified, not just between them, and if I'm not mistaken,
> "between" would only return dates "between" the specified dates.
> Suggestions?
> Thanks,
> Rick
> PS - MySQL and CF 4.5

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