I have 2 CF enterprise servers with 2 instances (so far) of CF on each
physical server.  I have set up separate virtual sites for each instance in
Apache and have configured the loadbalancer to do health checks on each
individual instance (through the virtual site).  


Everything works fine until I set up the instances in a cluster.  Once that
happens, the JRUN connection in apache gets a list of instances in the
cluster from the instance that it connects to and from then on would use any
of the 4 instances to server the request.  This is a problem because if the
CF service encounters an issue (as happened this morning when I was
receiving 500 null errors on one of the instances) the JRUN connector is not
smart enough to stop using that server, but my custom health check (done by
the loadbalancer) would be.  


Is there a way to force the JRUN connector to use an individual instance
while maintaining session replication?  That's all I really want, for the
request to be served by any of the instances (managed by the loadbalancer
currently), except the instances that have failed my custom health check,
while still having session replication, so that when people switch instances
they do not lose their session. 


I know one way to do this would be to use the build in web server, but this
is not recommended for production use, and I'm having a bit of trouble
figuring out how to set it up (Is there a way to change the web root?) 


Any thoughts would be appreciated. 



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