This is just how it works and why you shouldn't use auto return.
If the user does not return from  paypal to your site for any reason then u
have no record of the transaction, they could just close the browser as
Use IPN method instead so that the callback happens in the background and
does not rely on the user returning to your site.

Here is all the docs
IPN testing page (probably better to make your own version though as I did)


-----Original Message-----
From: Nick Gleason [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 01 December 2006 02:36
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Paypal Integration - Auto Return question


We are integrating Paypal's Website Payments Standard system with our
platform to allow clients to link off to paypal and make their purchases
there and then link back.

We have run into a surprising issue with Paypal's Auto Return feature that
automatically brings a user back from paypal to a thank you page on out
clients' sites.  The issue is that we have Auto Return:
1) working great when the user pays with their paypal account
2) not working at all when the user pays with a credit card on the paypal
site - they seem to have to manually click the "Return to Merchant" link at
the bottom of the paypal thank you screen in order to get back to our
client's sites.

This is a problem for us since our clients users will expect to make a
payment and then automatically end up back on the site they started on, not
on the paypal site.

Has anyone bumped into this issue before?  Hopefully we are just missing
something obvious.



Nick Gleason | CitySoft, Inc. |
Direct: (617) 899-5395 | Fax: (617) 507-0444

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