Hello group,
it has been forever since I posted. Actually I un-subscribed once I moved to
California and had a hell of a time finding a programming gig, so I decided
to install cable for Charter Cable. Well, i finally landed a contract with
the city of LA and I decided to start using CFC's on this new site I am
doing. So, I have my first CFC and I am getting a strange error. Like I
said, i am new to this. I am attaching the original code and then I am
including the CFC that is supposed to do what the code does. This piece of
code is all over the place so I though this would be a good start for a CFC.

Bruce Sorge

Original code:
<cfif IsDefined("ncid")
 <cfif #ncid# NEQ ' '>
   <cfset id = #ncid#>
  <cfset id = 0>
 <cfset id = 0>


 Application Name: NCSelected.cfc

 Created By: Bruce Sorge
 Created By: 12/06/06
 Notes: This CFC checks to see if an NCID has been passed. If so, then we
set the ID to what
      was passed fromt he form/link/URl. If not, we set the default Id to

 This section is for
 Changed By:
 Change Date:
 Description of Change:

 <!--- Was the ncid passed? --->
 <cffunction name="ncidPassed"
    hint="Has the user clicked on a link/submit button or did they type the
address in?">

  <!--- If no ncid is passed, used the default "0" --->
  <cfargument name="ncid"
     hint="Since the user is trying to view all of the information at once,
we will thwart them and set the ncid to 0">

  <!--- Initial variable --->
  <cfset id = "0">
   <cfif ncid NEQ ''>
    <cfset id = ncid>

  <!--- Send the result --->
  <cfreturn id>

Calling page:

<!--- Check to see if an NCID has been passed --->
<cfinvoke component="NCSelected"

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