I have an index.cfm where I have a login  box displayed for a member to
login to the secure area of the website.


So far in testing I have been able to login but when I go to display a
personalized welcome message to the person its falling over.  Basically I
set session variables and was planning on using these so as to be able to
display the personalized greeting.


In the Application.cfm program I have set sessionmanagement="yes"


Then I have gone to use: <cfoutput> Session.LoggedUserLName</cfoutput>


But keep getting the message - Element LOGGEDUSERFNAME is undefined in


Wondering if anyone has any thoughts on what the issue might me.


Thanks in advance




On the login page I have the following code:



<cfif IsDefined("FORM.username")>

  <!--- Query the database to see if the member is registered --->


  <cfquery name="getLogOn" datasource="#request.db_dsn#"
username="#request.db_login#" password="#request.db_pwd#">

  SELECT * FROM tbl_customers WHERE cst_username = '#FORM.username#' AND

  = '#FORM.password#'


      <cfparam name="LastLogin" default="#getLogOn.cst_LoginDate#">


      <cfif (LastLogin IS "") OR (NOT IsDate(LastLogin))>

            <cfset LastLogin=CreateODBCDateTime("2002-01-01 01:00:00")>


            <cfset LastLogin=CreateODBCDateTime(LastLogin)>



  <!--- Record found, login  --->

  <cfif getLogOn.RecordCount NEQ 0>

    <cflock timeout="5" throwontimeout="no" type="exclusive">

      <!--- Set the session vars --->

      <cfset Session.LoggedIn = 1>

      <!--- This session store the username --->

      <cfset Session.LoggedUser ="#getLogOn.cst_MedRegoNo#">

        <cfset Session.LoggedUserFName ="#getLogOn.cst_FirstName#">

        <cfset Session.LoggedUserLName ="#getLogOn.cst_LastName#">


            <cfset Session.LastLogin = LastLogin>


    <!--- Store username inside a cookie if required --->

    <cfif isDefined("FORM.remember_me")>

      <cfcookie name="LYMbrname" value="#FORM.username#" expires="never">

      <!--- Else, clean any existing cookie --->


      <cfcookie name="LYMbrname" value="" expires="now">


            <!--- Update user logon date --->

              <cfquery datasource="#request.db_dsn#"
username="#request.db_login#" password="#request.db_pwd#">

            UPDATE tbl_customers SET cst_LastLogin = #LastLogin#,
cst_LoginDate = #CreateODBCDateTime(Now())#


    <!--- If the user requested a specific page, redirect there --->

    <cfif IsDefined("FORM.redirect_to")>

      <cflocation addtoken="no" url="#URLDecode(FORM.redirect_to)#">


      <cflocation addtoken="no" url="members/mbr_home.cfm">


    <!--- Login failed --->


    <!--- Store the application's name in a local var to reduce locking --->

    <cflock timeout="5" throwontimeout="No" type="readonly"

      <cfset appname=application.applicationname>


    <!--- Display an error message --->

    <cfset LogOnError="Log on unsuccesful. No match was found. Please try
again or contact administrator.">



<cfif not isdefined("cookie.SMbrname")>

  <cfcookie name="SMbrname" value="">



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