Pop-up blocker in your browser? Did you update anything recently having
nothing to do with the code?

Make a link with the following code:

<a href="##"
Onclick="alert( openCalWin_#attributes.target# );"
>Debug FN Call</a> 

This will alert the function that is actually being called. You should
see actual TEXT being alerted here. If you see NULL or undefined, then
you are not calling the name of a valid function.


1. One or more functions have the same name.

2. Name is mispelled.

Ben Nadel
Certified Advanced ColdFusion MX7 Developer
Need ColdFusion Help?

-----Original Message-----
From: Bruce Sorge [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, December 14, 2006 3:59 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: JS Question

Hey all,
I have an app that I am using a custom tag called cf_cal. it worked fine
yesterday, and now today it is not. Basicaly it has an image of a
calendar and when you click on the image, it opens a small windows with
a calendar in it. The call to the tag looks like this:
<cf_cal formname="Page_1" target="Election_date" image="Images/cal.gif">

Here is the page in the custom tag that generates the icon:
<a href="javascript:openCalWin_#attributes.target#()"><img
src="#attributes.image#" border=0></a>

When I click on it, nothing happens. No errors, no page, nothing. I
checked and double-checked the form name as well as the field name, even
going so far as to copy and paste them in, but nothing. I have not made
any changes to this app other than rename a bunch of form fields, but I
did not touch these. I have made to changes to the custom tag either.



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