That's cool, Chris! I didn't realize you could do that. Shows how many 
times *I've* had to query at excel table. :o)


Peterson, Chris wrote:
> Actually, you can specify the excel file you want right in the query,
> like this:
>       SELECT
>               [INVOICE AMOUNT] as InvAmount,
>               [INVOICE NUMBER] as InvNumber,
>               [ORDER NUMBER] as OrderNum,
>               [PAID AMOUNT] as PaidAmount,
>               [BALANCE DUE] as BalDue,
>               [COMMENTS] as Comment
>       FROM
>               `data$`
>       IN
>               'd:\webroot\\baldue\temp\#cffile.serverFile#'
> 'EXCEL 5.0;'
>       WHERE
>               [ORDER NUMBER] > 0 
> 'data$' is the workbook name inside your spreadsheet, and the rest
> should be obvious =)
> So, just setup your DSN as a generic Excel ODBC datasource (I named mine
> Excel, aint I creative?) and query away!
> Chris Peterson
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Christopher Jordan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Monday, December 18, 2006 3:40 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: Re: Best way to read in Excel/CSV files
> I'd connect to it as a data source, I think. It's just less for the 
> client to do. Of course, the file will have to be named the same thing 
> each time, else you'd have to create a new DSN each time for each 
> differently named file.
> Check out their type 4 JDBC Excel driver <> 
> available on <>. I'm currently using their 
> Type 4 DBF driver for visual FoxPro, and it works like a champ. The 
> developers, are very ready to help any of their users via email. I've 
> never used their text drivers, but I imagine they're not too hard to get
> the hang of.
> Hope this helps.
> Cheers,
> Chris
> Andy Matthews wrote:
>> I have a client who wants me to build a quick admin tool for him. It
> would
>> allow him to upload 2 files from different dates and list the
> differences.
>> It's bascially two Excel files with 4 columns each and about 9000
> lines
>> apiece.
>> So my question is, would it be better to connect to the Excel file as
> a
>> datasource or have him convert to a CSV text file and upload that way?
> He'll
>> be using this tool each day to compare the current day's file to the
>> previous day's file.
>> <!----------------//------
>> andy matthews
>> web developer
>> certified advanced coldfusion programmer
>> ICGLink, Inc.
>> 615.370.1530 x737
>> --------------//--------->

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