Hi Janet,

I'd agree with you that you want to keep your view and model separate. So I
would opt for doing the aggregates somewhere other than the view. But it
might well be in between view and gateway, in a business object. That
business object (CFC) could call the gateway and receive the information
back, then do any other manipulations you want, before returning the
aggregate figures, along with the original query, to the view. After all,
the need for aggregate information is a "business" decision.

Point being, your data access objects, like gateways, need to be kinda dumb,
too. All they're doing is working with the database, not really making
decisions on what the user needs.

That said, you may well be able to obtain your aggregate information
(depending on exactly what you need) with database aggregate functions
inside your query.

All in all, I'd say: if you can get the information with database aggregate
functions, do it. If not, work with the returned query data in your business
object to create the aggregates. But definitely, keep it away from the view.

And finally, in complete repudiation of everything stated above: don't be
overly worried about doing something like a small calculation inside your
view. Yes, separation of concerns is what you always strive for. On the
other hand, it's your application. You can make your own judgments on
whether keeping every little thing absolutely separate  is really necessary,
or an overcomplication.



Tom McNeer
1735 Johnson Road NE
Atlanta, GA 30306

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Upgrade & integrate Adobe Coldfusion MX7 with Flex 2

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