So…we got into the office today to find an email message stating that all
FTP and login passwords have been changed for all of our accounts at
Intermedia “for stronger security”.  With no prior warning.  Yep, that’s
just effing wonderful, you pricks, now I have applications that are crashing
on Friday afternoon on a long holiday weekend.  Oh, and the EPA doles out
fines for one of those apps when the data isn’t publicly available within 24
hours.  And the software vendor that needs to change the password on the
other end is not available until Tuesday (and why would they, it’s a
holiday!)  Yay, job well done!


Just wanted to publicly say that Intermedia sucks, and I’m so happy that we
have move to a dedicated solution.  This is not the first complaint that I
have from them.  If you are thinking about moving to them, run the other
direction.  I wish there was someone here that represents the company so
that they could read this, but alas, their CF knowledge is much less than
they profess, and they would never frequent a place like this.


Oh yea, the best part is that when we wrote in to ask WTF are they thinking,
we got a blasé answer that said, I kid you not: “Sorry for the
inconvenience.  Signed, Support”.



Pardon my pre-holiday rant.


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