So do u edit your CFML in Aptana as well?
Is it like cfclipse, or a plugin so you can still use the cfeclipse

-----Original Message-----
From: Dan Skaggs [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 03 January 2007 20:12
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Using Eclipse/CFEclipse

I grabbed the Aptana plug-in last week and am seriously enjoying the FTP
upload features it gives.  It's almost as easy as the DW upload.  You still
have to do a configuration for each project, but once that is done you right
click on a file, hover over the "Synchronize" item in the menu and then
click "Upload" (however I do wish I could turn off the confirmation message
that insists on popping up when it's complete).

>I still use homesite for quick edits for that very purpose, so I can 
>double click a file and edit it.
>I also still use DWMX to deploy files via FTP cozz the "right click put 
>file" is very quick and handy for that.

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