Have you thought of storing the session vars as client vars in a DB?  If the 
are simple vars you can write something to do it.  The on the next request by 
the users you can extract them and recreate the session.

If your host does not want to to use a resource intensive app you should find a 
new host.  I have never let a host dictate to me what I could or could not run.


>We've got our Web site at a hosting company that has us set up on a cluster.
>We've got an aplication that doesn't work well with managing session variables
>on a cluster.  When we tried sticky sessions somoe of our other applications 
>errors sayinig that the CFID was undefined.  PLus our Web hosting company does
>not recommend us using this application because it's too resource intensive.  
>application is the survey application Sounds by Ray Camden.  I think he did an
>awesome job, but I could use some advice on how to solve this issue if there 
>is a
>Should I provide more details?

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