Oops, I don't know why I didn't see this before...you need to add your
columns using cfgridcolumn.
They go between your cfgrid tags.

On 2/9/07, Michael Beins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >Couple of stabs in the dark.  You might change your query name and/or
> >cfgrid name.  Both of them are 'list', which might be causing a
> >conflict.  Second, you should name the form.  It's optional, but a lot
> >of JS stuff requires it (there's a lot of background JS in cfforms).
> >Third, there's an option in the CFAdmin for displaying flash form
> >errors, and it's off by default.  A lot of times you're getting an
> >error but you don't see it (it does show up in the logs, though).
> >
> >On 2/9/07, Michael Beins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>
> Here is the new code.
> <cfquery datasource="test" name="list">
>         select * from Email_list
> </cfquery>
> <cfform format="flash" name="emaillist">
>         <cfgrid format="flash" name="email" query="list" selectmode="edit">
>         </cfgrid>
> </cfform>
> And I turned on the debugging setting, but no error is showing up.  A grid is 
> generated but there is no data in it.  It has colomun names and few empty 
> rows.

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