If you're using CFEclipse or, I think Homsite supported this as well,
you can run a find and replace operation against a set of project
files.  The find can specify a regex and the replace can include
backreferences, if necessary.

On 2/11/07, AJ Mercer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I have a lot of cflocations in my application and I want to modify the URL
> attribute
> from:<cflocation url="#ATTRIBUTES.url#" addtoken="no">
> to:    <cflocation url="#urlSessionFormat(ATTRIBUTES.url)#" addtoken="no">
> first off, any one know of an easy why to do it?
> I am in the process of writing a cf script that gets all the files, reads
> the files and then was planning on doing a regex find and then some funky
> string manipulation to drop in the function.
> I have got to the refind part, but am struggling with the expression. This
> is what I have
>     <cfset x = refindNoCase("<CFLOCATION[^>]*>", fileContents, 0,true) />
> but it seems to only be finding the first occurrence.
> Any one got any tips or pointers?
> Andrew

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