Hey Tom -

It's been a couple of years (like 5), but as of PHP 4, there was a
setting in php.ini that allowed you to define a file that would be
called before every request the way Application.cfm is called.  You
have to define it explicitly, but it behaves exactly the same way, in
my experience.  That file can include custom functions.
Unfortunately, I can't remember the setting offhand.

On 3/2/07, Tom King <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi All,
> Sorry for the OT:
> I'm new to PHP, and am trying to find out if there is the equivalent
> of application.cfc onrequest() function:
> I.e, I want to be able to do this, without having to put the includes
> in every file....:
> <cffunction name="onrequest">
> <cfargument name="targetpage'' required="yes">
> <cfinclude template="header.html">
> <cfinclude template="#targetpage#>
> <cfinclude template="footer.html">
> </cffunction>
> Help?
> Many thanks
> T

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