Hello again guys,

I've got a scheduled task that I want to run that invokes a 'remote' method in 
one of my CFC's, however I'm struggling to get it working. I'm working with 
model glue, and although the actual functioning element code for the task is in 
my model layer, the model requires several other beans to be passed into it 
using ColdSpring, So i'm trying to call the CFC through my Controller, then 
when the method in the controller builds the bean through coldspring, those 
other beans will be passed into its constructor.. So for instance my scheduled 
task goes somthing like this.


This invokes a method that then uses getModelGlue().getBean() to load the bean 
from my model, which has both the mg framework and a file facade i've built 
passed into it using Cold Spring.

However when I browse to the url i get the following message.

Element MODELGLUE.FRAMEWORK is undefined in VARIABLES.  

The error occurred in 
 line 33
31 :            <cfset variables.ModelGlue.framework = arguments.ModelGlue />
32 :    </cffunction>
33 :    <cffunction name="GetModelGlue" access="public" 
returnType="ModelGlue.unity.framework.ModelGlue" output="false" hint="I get the 
instance of ModelGlue this controller is registered with.">
34 :      <cfreturn variables.ModelGlue.framework>
35 :    </cffunction>

What am I missing? Is there a better way to be dealing with this? I have a 
feeling i'm going at this a little arse about tit, so your advice is 



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