Hello Chaps,

I’m new to the world of MVC, and I’m currently using MG to initiate myself 
into this type of design pattern, and on the most parts I’ve now found my 
feet, but there are a few of the more simple concepts that I’m still a little 
fuzzy on.

The first element that confuses me is this use of ‘views’ and how I should 
be applying them to me project. Should I be creating a view for every page in 
my application, or is the idea that each view forms a ‘widget’ and then 
pages can be  assembled from several views? For instance, in my application I 
have a short list of ‘latest news’ type features, which I want to display 
on several different pages around the site. Do I need to replicate this code 
every time for each view, or do in include it with <cfinclude> ,or can I have 
the framework assemble it for me into the pages? Before I moved to MVC I would 
always construct ‘widgets’ of information and then build my main pages with 
nothing more than several <cfinclude> to bring in the data I wanted.

I’ve downloaded several model glue based applications off the web, and none 
of them seem to shed much light on the situation, many of them seem to have 
plenty of CFM pages outside of the ‘views’ folder which contain queries as 
inline code which obviously goes against the whole principle of MVC and OOP 
methodology. Is there any particular reason they would be doing this? It’s 
got me stumped.

Next I wanted to quickly cover the process of retrieving query data into my 
view. On occasion I find myself needing un-manipulated query data in my views, 
is it ‘proper’ of me to have my controller speak directly to the ORM and 
collect that? Or should I always request it through my model?

Another quick point with regards to controllers, how do you guys deal with 
separating your controllers? Should I be building them per task? So one 
controller for my Shopping Cart, one for my Reporting and another for User 
Information and so forth?

I know those probably seem like silly questions, I’m just trying to 
understand what you guys regularly do, and what the ‘best practices’ are 
for working within an MVC design pattern.

Thanks for any advice guys,


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