Likewise this works fine for me.  I still seperate the logic from display.  I 
have two cfc's one that contains database logic and the other contains display 
logic.  So considering your poll example I have a modPoll.cfc and a viewPoll.cfc

---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From: "Paul Vernon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date:  Thu, 8 Mar 2007 12:40:30 -0000

>> Thing is I know I'm not supposed to put any presentation 
>> stuff in them. But say for example I had a poll cfc. I can 
>> run all of the actions through the CFC fine, but why not add 
>> some optional basic html (i.e. form & results) so that if 
>> wanted, the whole poll could be encapsulated within the one 
>> file and in theory could be added to any site with just a 
>> couple of lines of code. If the basic form & results didn't 
>> suit I could then go for a tailored option for the sites that 
>> needed it but all would still be based on the one cfc. 
>> So would this a bad thing and why?
>I think there are always exceptions to the rule on this, in our e-Commerce
>system, there are several places where I would want to render a shopping
>basket and I need to render it in both HTML and text only versions. If I
>were to do these sections of code outside of the CFC's then it would be a
>nightmare however, having a couple of functions in the basket CFC to
>renderHTMLBasket and renderTEXTBasket means that I have complete consistency
>across the site and I only have to bug fix/maintain a couple of functions.
>What those functions *don't* do is output any HTML or TEXT direct to the
>calling page, instead, I use <cfsavecontent and return the generated content
>from the functions as a string. That way, I am still keeping the CFC's away
>from direct interaction with the pages but I am generating a small amount of
>content using those same CFC's.

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