Hi, i am using ms sql server and need to implement get the median of a set of 
values. i have looked all over the web and cant find a simple explanation.

i would appreciate it if anyone can provide me with a very simple explanation. 
i understand how it works in terms of having to first order the values 
ascending and then pick the middle value in the list if there is an odd number 
of rows, or take the 2 middle values and get the average value of these 2 
values if there is an even number of rows. however i have no idea on how to 
implement this into my query

The following is the sql statement that i need to adapt, i need to get the 
median value of the srtot value within the query.

select pat_demid, pat_lastname, meas_gendate, meas_id, test_gendate,
avg(srtot)as meansrtot, avg(sreff)as meansreff, avg(BFRaw)as BF_Rawmean, 
avg(BFTGV)as BF_TGVmean,  
((stdev(srtot)/avg(srtot))*100) as srtotcv, ((stdev(sreff)/avg(sreff))*100) as 
sreffcv, ((stdev(BFRaw)/avg(BFRaw))*100) as BF_Rawcv, 
((stdev(BFTGV)/avg(BFTGV))*100) as BF_TGVcv,
count(srtot)as countsrtot, count(sreff)as countsreff
from bodyparametersf
where (srtot is not null) OR (sreff is not null)
group by pat_demid, pat_lastname, meas_gendate, meas_id, test_gendate

i would appreciate any of your advice in relation to this

thanks very much

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