Kristin Collins wrote:
> I need to write an sql statement within a cfquery tag that pulls from two 
> seperate datasources.
> But it's coming back with "Invalid object name "
> Below is the what I have written:
> <cfquery datasource="#request.dsn#" name="towns">
> SELECT townid as tid, town as cityname from towns
> where siteID = 1
> union
> select distinct city as cityname
> from compdb.dbo.commlease
> order by cityname
> </cfquery>
> Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong?

Does the user that you are connecting to the request.dsn with have 
access to the compdb database?  Are the two databases on the same server 
or are the servers linked?

You said "datasources" in your message, and you can't query across CF 
datasources (except by combining them with QoQ), but you can do 
something like what you are trying to in your query if the databases are 
on the same SQL Server or set up as a linked server, and the permissions 
are correct.

I say "something like" what you are trying to do, as the UNION also has 
a need to have the same number of columns with compatible 
datatypes in each query to do a UNION.

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