If you're using PHP5, you can use SimpleXML to parse your feed.
There's a decent explanation at
 If you're still looking to move to CF, the look at Ray Camden's
RSS.cfc.  I don't have a URI, but check riaforge.com or his blog at

For your error, though, I just blogged one reason for that (and a
solution) at 
 Specifically, look at "Issue II".

Hope this helps.

On 3/21/07, Tom Avey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >What error do you get?  A valid feed is, by definition, valid XML, but
> >sometimes white space gets thrown in by the process of downloading,
> >etc.
> >
> >On 3/20/07, Tom Avey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>
> I was using magpierss, a php script but it began to not fetch new feeds from 
> blogger and only read from the cache (which is now weeks old).  It worked 
> fine on other non-blogger feeds.  I assume it has something to do with 
> bloggers updates and how they have affected their atom.xml feed.  When I turn 
> off the cache using Maggpie I get the following error:
> Warning: MagpieRSS: Failed to fetch http://fgbc-world.blogspot.com/atom.xml 
> (Request timed out after 10 seconds) in 
> /home/content/t/o/m/tomavey/html/magpierss/rss_fetch.inc on line 239
> It looks like Magpierss is no longer supported so I am looking for a CF 
> solution.
> Here is the error message I get with CF (http://fgbc.org/feedtest2.cfm):
> An error occured while Parsing an XML document.
> Content is not allowed in prolog.
> The error occurred in 
> /var/chroot/home/content/t/o/m/tomavey/html/feedtest2.cfm: line 7
> 5 : <cfhttp url="http://fgbc-world.blogger.com/atom.xml"; method="get" />
> 6 :
> 7 : <cfset objRSS = xmlParse(cfhttp.filecontent) />
> 8 :
> 9 : <CFDUMP var="#objRSS#" />
> I can http the atom.xml page in my browser (Firefox) and even subscribe to 
> it.  If I copy the xml code from that xml page and create a new one on my 
> server it parses fine (http://fgbc.org/feedtest.cfm).

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