Sounds a little like what Yahoo! Pipes is already doing.  Selectively
grabbing items from a feed may be troublesome just because of the
mutable nature of feeds.

On 3/22/07, Dwayne Cole <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have a client aiming to deploy a site that aggregates news from various RSS 
> or XML feeds.  Simple enough if they planned to use the entire feed but this 
> client wants to "cherry pick" from various feeds. They asked me to build an 
> admin tool for this.  My thoughts were to find a RSS Reader or Aggregator to 
> handle the "cherry picking" and from there have the client upload the xml 
> file.
> Any thoughts about this.  I currently use  Pluck for RSS feeds but it does 
> not allow for me to cherry pick and create my own feed.

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