Thanks again Michael,

I guess that's the question.  Can ColdFusion do this now?  In 6.1 or 
7.0?  I think it probably can but I don't know if there is some switch 
or other that can be passed along with this update that tells LDAP so.

That's the question, can it be done now?  I guess it may be the case 
that I am the only person on planet ColdFusion that has tried to update 
an image using CFLDAP?


I'll give Damon Cooper a shot.  Please folks, don't give up on me.  I'm 
hoping someone is on vacation and will read this when they get back and 
enlighten me :)

Dawson, Michael wrote:
> Ah. I gotcha now.  You don't want to break convention just for
> ColdFusion.
> I'm not sure how else I can help other than "part" of the functionality
> is there with the RETURNASBINARY attribute.  However, I know of no
> corresponding send-type attribute.  You should be able to get the image
> using ColdFusion, but no way to put an image into the directory.
> You might want to Google Damon Cooper and send him a message asking
> about this.  They might be able to add this as part of Scorpio.
> M!ke 
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Vince Collins ( [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2007 4:13 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: Re: LDAP Anyone?
> Thanks Michael,
> I am treating it like a database and all is well except for images.  
> Text for example updates just fine.  The directory has thousands of
> users which means thousands of images.  Each image is stored in the
> directory as a "binary attribute".  I need to adhere to that field.
> Other tools use the existing images as they are stored currently (as
> binary).  I can update the images using for example
> which is an excellent
> java-based editor.  It allows me to browse to my image and then it
> uploads it and all is well.  Stored as a binary.  However, if I change
> the way I store it because ColdFusion has to store it in a different way
> then all other tools such as that ldap browser/editor won't work and all
> the locations they are displaying it elsewhere would break.
> I'm hoping to find a way to update this existing binary attribute using
> CFLDAP or other tool.
> Dawson, Michael wrote:
>> There are methods for storing binaries/images in a database field.
> You
>> could also convert the binary information to text, then store the text
>> in a database.
>> You could do something similar with LDAP.  Just create a new attribute
>> that can hold a large text value.  Treat your LDAP server just like
> you
>> would a database.
>> M!ke 
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Vince Collins ( [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>> Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2007 3:53 PM
>> To: CF-Talk
>> Subject: LDAP Anyone?
>> It appears from the lack of response on this mail list to my question
>> that none of you have any idea.  I'm bummed and feel now I must look
>> elsewhere besides ColdFusion to solve this problem.
>> I will post this one last time in the hopes that someone will respond
>> with an idea or suggestion:
>> - - - - - - - -
>> I have been asked to write a web-based editor to allow users to edit
>> individual attributes themselves directly.  I have done this and it is
>> working for text attributes however it is not working for images.
>> I have written the code to upload and READASBINARY the file.  Then
> when
>> putting the new file back into ldap I use
>> jpegPhoto=#toBase64(BinaryImageContent)# which I was told that images
>> for LDAP were stored in base64 (Let me know if I'm wrong) but it
> appears
>> to not work for me.  Is there some sort of switch you pass to LDAP
> when
>> your code is updating an image attribute to somehow flag it as a
> binary
>> attribute?
>> I've been looking for an answer and have posted questions on more then
>> 20 forums and blogs over the past week.  You all may have detected
> that
>> I am a bit frustrated and desperate  :(
>>  <cffile action="READBINARY" 
>> file="#root#\update\upload\#file.serverfile#" 
>> variable="BinaryImageContent">
>>  <cfldap action="modify"
>>           DN="#qry_get_one_emp.distinguishedName#"
>>           attributes="jpegPhoto=#toBase64(BinaryImageContent)#"
>>           modifytype="replace"
>>           server="#LDAPServer#"
>>           username="#LDAPUsername#"
>>           password="#LDAPPassword#">
>> Changing this
>> attributes="jpegPhoto=#toBase64(BinaryImageContent)#"
>> to this
>> attributes="jpegPhoto=#BinaryImageContent#"
>> also errors since it appears that CFLDAP or http does not allow you to
>> use binary directly in the call.
>> - - - - - - -
>> I'm at a loss and looking for any help possible.  I really don't want
> to
>> tell my client that ColdFusion can not do this.  I'd much rather say
>> that I didn't know how and the ColdFusion community were able to help
>> me.

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