Hey guys,

Well today has been my first day of getting my head around Java, I'm looking to 
expand my programming knowledge and Java seemed to be the natural progression, 
considering i've got a demmand for event gateways comming up soon, I thought it 
made sense.

To be honest I'm finding it reasonably simple to take on board, the general 
syntax isnt that different from that of cfscript, and the general OOP 
principles i already know for CF can be applied.

But i'm looking for a decent resource to learn Java online, tutorials, 
articles, examples and that kind of thing. I've already placed an order for the 
'head first' book which should arive early next week, but i'm looking for 
somthing to chew over the weekend, even if its just the basics on building an 
application, working with arrays and structures, i've also seen other new types 
of data structures talked about called 'vectors' and things like that.

If anyone has anything to reccomend i'd love to hear it,

Cheers buds,


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