Thanks for the response.  One of the issues I am running into is that (and I 
failed to mention this in my original post) the checkboxes are being 
dynamically generated from another table called "Pages."  So then, for whatever 
reason, my list is being written with values for every checkbox, regardless of 
whether they are checked or not.

So, if have checkboxes "index", "localnews" and "sports", i will get a list 
with a number of items which match the selections and non-selections 

One solution that I tried was using radio buttons instead in order to submit 
the actual page names (e.g., instead of "true,true,false," submit 
"index,localnews,sports").  However, I found that if I did not select a 
particular item--say, "obituaries"--on submit I would be thrown a scope error.  

If I could get this method to work, it would be great.  Unfortunately, at the 
present the only luck I've had is to submit the boolean values of the checkbox. 
 Obviously, this leaves me in the predicament mentioned before in needing to 
find a way to loop over each list of each sponsor in order to display on the 
proper pages.   

Any other ideas?

>(Your message is a bit confusing, but I'll go with what I think you might be 
>Unselected checkboxes are never submitted, so you'll only ever get a list of 
>Set the values of the checkboxes to the id's of the items.
>Then you wont need do any looping, you'll just do this:
>FROM sponsors
>WHERE pagename IN (<cfqueryparam value="#Form.pagenames#" list="true"/>)
>(Or something along those lines)
>> Joel

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