Hey all -

It's getting late and I'm getting frustrated/desperate.  I'm trying to
get BlogCFC installed on a Linux box running CFMX 7.  Everything's
running fine (as far as I can tell so far) except for CAPTCHA.  When I
launch the window to add a comment the image is broken.  When I call
the CAPTCHA URI in an iframe (so I can see the error), I get:

An exception occurred when instantiating a java object. The cause of
this exception was that: .
The error occurred in /path/to/org/captcha/captchaService.cfc: line 145
Called from /path/to/org/captcha/captchaService.cfc: line 120
Called from /wwwroot/showCaptcha.cfm: line 2
Called from /path/to/org/captcha/captchaService.cfc: line 145
Called from /path/to/org/captcha/captchaService.cfc: line 120
Called from /wwwroot/showCaptcha.cfm: line 2

143 :           <cfelseif arguments.type IS "file">
144 :                   <cfset tempFileLocation = getFileLocation() />
145 :                   <cfset stream = createObject("java",
"java.io.FileOutputStream").init(tempFileLocation) />
146 :                   <cfset results.type = "file" />
147 :                   <cfset results.fileLocation = tempFileLocation />

I can't find any information via Google, but I'm sure I'm just missing
a setting.  I set this whole deal up fairly hastily, but I can't
figure out what I didn't do.  If anyone's seen this before and can
lend a helping hand, I'd certainly appreciate it.



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