On 4/15/07, Mike Kear <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>         <cfset OkToGo = false />
> <cfloop list = "#UserPermissions#" index="i">
>    <cfset OkToGo = listfind(Permissionsrequired, "#i#") />
> </cfloop>
> <cfif OkToGo is false>
>         <cflocation addtoken="no" url="/index.cfm" />
>         <cfabort>
> </cfif>
> This all seems a bit clumsy to me but it will work.

Actually, no it won't. OkToGo will always end up set to the result of
searching for the *last* user permission. You need to add the
following, after the assignment to OkToGo inside your loop:

<cfif OkToGo>

Or, of course, you could change the code to this:

<cfloop list="#UserPermissions#" index="i">
    <cfif listfind(Permissionsrequired, i) neq 0>
        <cflocation addtoken="no" url="/index.cfm" />
Sean A Corfield -- (904) 302-SEAN
An Architect's View -- http://corfield.org/

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-- Margaret Atwood

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