Hello Bud,

I went through a conversation about this stuff over on the easycfm boards about 
a month back along with some of the other developers, you may want to give it a 
read through. You have plenty of choices on how to distribute the mail.

As Sean has suggested one option is to use the enterprise servers event gateway 
to process using the SMSC stuff, This is a great idea however after speaking to 
several service providers myself, it didnt become cost effective untill you're 
sending around 500,000 messages a month, which is probably unlikely for your 

You then have the mail solution also suggested, I know a few of the other devs 
are very keen on this, but you're then relying on POP for your processing which 
might not be a good idea, I've not worked with it so cant say for sure, but 
after speaking to servive providers and aggregators, they would prefer you post 
to thier service using some of the other protocols.

Agregator services will most likely suit you best, You'll be able to post to 
them using a simple <cfhtttp> or a webservice call, these will be very reliable 
and accessible, and given the nature of your application, its very important 
those messages get distributed asap. You also have no need for enterprise level 
servers of costly contracts directly with the ISP, just buy that pre paid 
credit and you're set to go.

Here's that link.


Hope that helps,


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