Here is the ColdFusion and Fusebox news:

* Topic survey - win a ticket to CFUNITED
* CFLive Thurs 4/26/07 12:30pm
* New CFUNITED podcasts released
  - Lori Pacheco - BlueDragon: Editions and Advantages
  - Nate Nelson - CFMX7 Admin API in Depth
* CFUnited Gear, logos, banners on Flickr
* Fusebox new website in prototype phase
* Interview with Raymond Camden on "Authentication and Basic Security in CF"

    "CFUNITED is a great way to not only network with fellow ColdFusion
    afficianados, but also to learn new techniques and methods to help
    your career or business. You also can get inside scooops on 
    in ColdFusion and learn best practices and much more."
     -Angela Trigg (CFUNITED attendee)

* Topic survey - win a ticket to CFUNITED

Only 2 days left!

Help us pick the most popular topics to put in larger rooms and to 
possibly repeat on Saturday.

One entry will be chosen to win a FREE CFUnited 4 Day Pass based on the 
best reason for going to the
event (in the opinion of CFUnited staff). The winner will be picked on 
Friday 4/20/07.

* CFLive Thurs 4/26/07 12:30pm
We will be holding a series of online talks with CFUNITED speakers 
starting next Thursday. Watch the
CFUNITED blog for URL details.

* CFUnited Gear, logos, banners on Flickr

Wanna see the new CFUnited tshirt you will receive in the mail soon? 
What about the cool new custom
bookbag for attendees this year? Download our logo or a cool banner ad 
for your blog.

Add your pictures to the CFUnited group and share with others!

* New CFUNITED podcasts released

  - Lori Pacheco - BlueDragon: Editions and Advantages
  - Nate Nelson - CFMX7 Admin API in Depth

Josh Adams - Benefits of Integrating CFML with ASP.NET
With all the talk today about BlueDragon.NET, it's easy to think that 
that's all that BlueDragon is
about. There are in fact other editions of BlueDragon, including a 
standalone server (more familiar
in concept to traditional ColdFusion server) and an edition that deploys 
CFML on any J2EE server in
just 3 steps. Beyond the different editions, there are also many 
advantages to using BlueDragon, and
it's about a lot more than just some new tags and functions. Come learn 
the many advantages that
simply make existing CFML run better, make managing the CFML engine 
easier, and make troubleshooting
CFML coding errors a breeze

Nate Nelson - CFMX7 Admin API in Depth

Many developers are interested in the CF Admin API that is available for 
CFMX7, but many also find
that it is difficult to follow because there is so much there. This 
topic will get into some great
uses of the API and go through the main pieces to help developers 
understand it. This topic would
include many examples with take home code.

Thanks CFUNITED attendee Christian Ready for making the podcasts!

* Fusebox new website in prototype phase

Sandy Clark and the Fusebox website group have produced an
HTML prototype. Once comments on that are complete they will
be moving the layout to Farcry for the live site. Way to go
guys! For more info on the group see

* 10 reasons to attend CFUNITED

If you missed the 10 reasons to attend CFUNITED last week and you want 
to send to your boss
you can find them on our blog at:

* Interview with Raymond Camden on "Authentication and Basic Security in CF"

Michael Smith: This time we are talking with Raymond Camden about
his CFUNITED-07 talk "Authentication and Basic Security in CF".
So why should a developer come to your session Raymond?

Raymond Camden:  Almost every application has some kind of need
for a secured module. This class will cover how to add
authentication (asking a user to prove who they are) and
authorization (allowing some users to do more than others) to
your ColdFusion application.

MS: That sounds important. Is this something that a beginner
programmer will be able to code? Is it hard to do in CF?

RC: It isn't hard to do at all. But it is one of the things that
folks just learning the language may not quite know how to do.

MS: Cool. So authentication - is that just a long way of saying
login? :-)

RC: Yes. ;) It is a formal way of saying, "Prove the you are who
you say you are."

MS: What does logon code look like?

RC: Normally you simply prompt the user to enter a username and
an password.

MS: What about forgotten passwords and how to store passwords? Do
you cover that too?

RC: Not in the time I have for the presentation, but if there is
time at the end, I'll discuss it.

MS: BTW aren't there some free authentication tools in your project?

RC: There are items related to security, but not full login

MS: Ok. I really recommend that folks check out CFLib - lots of
neat stuff there. So are there any gotchas for beginners in this

RC: Not really. It is really a simple thing but not something
normally covered in the docs.

MS: Will you have any code samples that folks can take home?

RC: Absolutely!

MS: Excellent! So what is this authorization stuff about? What
are some practical applications?

RC: Essentially the idea is - Some people can do some things, and
other people can do other things. So for example - maybe you
allow people to write articles for your site, but you do not
allow them to publish articles.

MS: I will look forward to seeing you at CFUNITED

You can see more interviews at CFUNITED-06 is Wed 6/27/07
- Sat 6/30/07 in Bethesda MD, just outside Washington DC. It
costs $949 until 3/31/06 then $1049. For more information on

--- Authentication and Basic Security in CF
************************* This class will give a basic
introduction to adding a simple security system to a ColdFusion
web site. I will cover adding a login prompt as well as basic
authorization (some users can do X, some can do X and Y).

Speaker Bio: Raymond Camden is the owner of Camden Media, Inc, a
web development and training company. A long time ColdFusion
user, Raymond has worked on numerous ColdFusion books and served
as a technical editor and contributor for the ColdFusion
Developers Journal. He also presents at numerous conferences and
contributes to online webzines. He founded many community web
sites including,, and is the author of numerous open source
applications, including the popular BlogCFC (
blogging application.

Raymond can be reached at his blog ( or via email 

Come to the premier ColdFusion conference of 2007 in Washington DC area 
(Four whole days). Note that you could spend the whole CFUNITED 
conference at Advanced CF topics, or
learning CF in the bootcamp or learning Flex and Apollo in our Flex 
track. Or deployment issue or
empowered programming or SQL! Plus in depth pre-conference classes from 
nationally know experts.
Check it out at

* Speakers include top names like Simon Horwith, Charlie Arehart,
  Hal Helms, Michael Dinowitz, Ray Camden, Ben Forta and many more respected
  CF authors and presenters.

* Great tracks:
   * Bootcamp - Basic ColdFusion and Flash topics
   * Advanced - Advanced ColdFusion topics
   * Manager/Empowered - Fusebox and Project management topics
   * Flex/RIA - Flash, Flex and other technologies integrated with CF topics
   * Accessibility / usability - section 508, CSS and disabled access
   * Deployment/Platform - tuning, install issues, OS, picking a database

* Included in your full conference registration is the following:

     * Attendence for 4 days (6/27/ - 6/30/07)
     * Keynote and General Sessions
     * All conference sessions including repeat sessions on Saturday
     * Entrance to Expo Area
     * Networking Events
     * Badge and Badge holder with bar scan code
     * Free Lunch for each show day (Dinner is not included)
     * Access to all presentations after the event, including all the 
     * Promotional bag with materials including show guide, CD, coupons, 
     * Opportunity to participate in all raffle drawings

* Can't stay 4 days Wed - Sat? Optional 3-day and Saturday only packages
   available too. Saturday will consist of repeats the most popular 
   from the week - something many attendees asked for last year!

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