On 4/25/07, james carberry wrote:
> What is the "best" way to store client variables?

Better way to phrase that is "what is the least bad way?" :-)

Cookies are a disaster.  To make a long story short  you can't count
on them being present all the time, and you have to wait for a trip to
the client and back before you can use one thats been set (unless that
behavior has changed over the years).  Plus they can be hacked ore
easily, being client-side.  All of the true nightmares I have
experienced with cvars have been when I discovered the site owner was
storing them in cookies.

Writing to the registry... It works, but horrific consequences
possible if a write goes bad.  Other nasties possible.  For example
your site gets hit by an ill-behaved bot two zillion times and it
creates two zillion entries... in your registry.  Your
now-uber-bloated registry.  'nuff said.

Writing to the db.  As robust as your db is.  Nobody loves a thing
that executes a db read and write at every page request, but at least
there are no vultures circling your server when you do it this way.
The problems you will cause will be manageable, one way or the other.

Lest you think I hate cvars, I do not.  I still use them at least to
some degree, although mostly in legacy apps.  I try to rely on session

Janitor, The Robertson Team

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