
So I now have this grouping as I want it too, using that date part function,
I just need a little help with the counting. Look below for my current query
and the results returned.

<!--- Query to Obtain Records --->
<cfquery name="LOCAL.qGetAllDateRangeForUnitByDay" datasource="">
        SELECT  DATEPART(month, DateTime) AS myMonth,
                DATEPART(day, Datetime) AS myDay,
                DATEPART(year, DateTime) AS myYear,
                DATEPART(hour, DateTime) AS myHour,
                COUNT(1) AS SentOk
        FROM    MacLog
        WHERE   DateTime BETWEEN <cfqueryparam value="#ARGUMENTS.StartDate#"
cfsqltype="cf_sql_timestamp" /> AND <cfqueryparam
value="#ARGUMENTS.EndDate#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_timestamp" />
        AND             ThinkTank_ID = <cfqueryparam
value="#ARGUMENTS.ThinkTankID#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer" maxlength="4" />
        GROUP BY        DATEPART(month, dateTime),
                        DATEPART(day, datetime),
                        DATEPART(year, dateTime),
                        DATEPART(hour, dateTime)

Now that returns all the records and groups them by hour, and also displays
a count of the number of records found for each hour. Now I'm looking to
count the number of records in each hour that displays a particular value in
its LogClass_ID field, something like this.

COUNT(WHERE LogClass_ID = 1) AS Sent
COUNT(WHERE LogClass_ID = 2) AS Failed
COUNT(WHERE LogClass_ID = 3) AS Postponed

Or something to that effect. Then for each hour I'll know how many records
there are of each log class.

Any ideas?



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