I can't disable AV here to test that theory...all I know was it was like
trying to run the current version of photoshop on a 286 hehehe.


> Could it possibly have been AV? We had an awful time with it and Eclipse
> due
> to the JAR loading etc. We had to disable it in the end for the Eclipse
> dir
> and bam..all sweet.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Eric Roberts [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 10 May 2007 12:24
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: RE: Adobe CS3 Web Edition leaves me wanting, moving to Eclipse! W
> AS (RE: Frameworks)
> I am not sure what Ben's laptop has, but somehow I doubt is anything but a
> very modern machine.  The systems I have worked on all had 1-2 gigs of
> ram.
> I found CFEclipse to horribly slow.  At my current position, they use
> eclipse.  To load their internet site into a project took all day (about 7
> hours).  After that and several crashes, I went back to dreamweaver.
> Eric

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