PHP lol!

ColdFusion (Cold Fusion initially) has been around since before it's subtle 
commercial release in 1995 (courtesy of JJ and Jeremy Allaire). Then Nick 
Bradbury added to it's popularity when Allaire Inc. acquired "HomeSite" - then 
to become ColdFusion Studio - since discontinued and appears HomeSite+ 5.5 is 
the last of breed.

Then along came Macromedia. Fools. They integrated CFML into Dreamweaver (tag 
completion etc) - still about the best IDE for Web Development with good code 
centric stuff also. Oh - and they re-wrote CFML to run on the J2EE platform - 
silly move.

Along came the Adobe spider and swallowed up Macromedia - and grabbed CF, 
Flash, Flex, Fireworks, Dreamweaver, etc.

Fireworks, Dreamweaver and Flash survived the inevitable product cull. Freehand 
did not (but come on even in MX form it sucked).

ColdFusion however is a major part of Adobe's server line so never a better 
time to if not learn CFML, but to also learn how it integrates with Flex, 
Flash, SMS, .Net, Java, Email and the hundreds of other things it can do out of 
the box... in less code.

Nearly 12 years later and am still learning more about CF everyday.

Macromedia ColdFusion MX7
Upgrade to MX7 & experience time-saving features, more productivity.


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