Here is the ColdFusion and Fusebox news:

* Only 34 days left until CFUNITED-07! Hotel info. Special event info
* How to get your boss to send you to CFUNITED
* User Group Manager Meeting
   - Eddie Sullivan, Amy Brooks and more speaking.
* CFMeetup Thur 12:30pm - Rob Gonda Flex Intensive for ColdFusion Developers
* New CFUNITED podcasts released
  - Charlie Arehart - Web Services Tips and Tricks
  - Mike Nimer - Flex 2.0 and ColdFusion Integration 201
* CFUNITED-07 pre-conference classes iPod raffle
* Frameworks Conference Recordings and Presentations
* Interview with with Sandy Clark on "CSS and accessiblity"

    "Where else can you find such a concentration of ColdFusion 
expertise and
    genius in one place at one time? I look at the list of topics and 
    and I can't imagine coming away from the event without being a 
better programmer."
    -Carolyn Foster(CFUNITED attendee)

Other great quotes from attendees about "Why people should attend CFUnited"

* Only 34 days left until CFUNITED-07! Hotel info. Special event info.

See the countdown flash widget on the CFUNITED site to find out exactly 
how many days, hours,
minutes and seconds until CFUNITED! Don't miss out on the ColdFusion 
event of the year.

*** NEWSFLASH - just announced today. *** NEWSFLASH ****

This year Adobe, TeraTech and HostMySite will be sponsoring the CFUNITED 
special event offsite at
the Washington National Zoo. There will be buses to take you to and from 
the zoo and drinks and
games to play next to the big cats display. Lions and tigers oh my! A 
great chance to let your hair
down, have fun and network with the players in the industry. The zoo 
will be closed to the public
during this event. The Zoo is near to the Zoo/Adams Morgan metro for 
those who want to travel by
metro instead of bus or who want to explore the wild night life of Adams 
Morgan after the event.
(The CFUNITED hotel is near the WhiteFlint metro if you need to get back 
after the buses leave!)

PLEASE NOTE: The Bethesda Marriott has only 20 rooms per night left. 
They will be releasing any
rooms not booked on June 11th. The price will go up after that. Another 
over flow hotel will not be
provided after June 11th. You may try Bethesda Marriott Suites (2 
miles), Rockville Hilton Executive
Meeting Center (1 mile), or Ramada Inn (1 mile).

If you would like to find someone to split the cost of a hotel room, go 
then login and click "Share a Hotel" and place a request or view a request.

* How to get your boss to send you to CFUNITED
Having trouble getting authorization to attend CFUNITED - check out 
these top reasons for coming!

* User Group Manager Meeting Tues 6/26/07

Calling all User Group Managers! This is going to be a fun event. Have a 
beer and a fabulous lunch
on us and listen to great talks from experienced User Group Managers and 
Adobe professionals.

ONLY $29.95 !!! Register now

Adam Bell
Riding the User Group Free-way

Learn about free methods to get your group out there.
Michael Smith
How to get members involved

Are you the only person running your group? Would you like to get some 
members to help you? Learn
how can you encourage members to get more involved and take some of the 
pressure off you, the group

Michael has been running MDCFUG since 1998 with regular help from many 
Oguz Demirkapi
Tools to Manage a User Group Efficiently

Communication is important, and we need to be more proactive in our 
communication to be more
efficient. Tools are very important to create good communication in a 
group or individually. But
what tools would be interesting specially for the user groups? What is 
the best way of
collaborating? How can we improve our communication? Do we learn from 
other user groups to generate
more efficient tools and environments?

I would like to share my experiences in these fields not only being an 
old CFUG manager, but also
being an active person at open source user communities.
Eddie Sullivan
Case studies from the front lines

Ed's stories of some of the best things managers do to make their group 
high impact.
Amy Brooks
Best Practices for Hosting Virtual UG Meetings via Acrobat Connect.

* CFMeetup Thur 12:30pm - Rob Gonda Flex Intensive for ColdFusion Developers

CFMeetup is a weekly half hour technical talk from CFUNITED speakers. It 
is hosted by Raymond Camden
and Charlie Arehart of the Meetup virtual CFUG. The current schedule is 
every Thursday at 12:30pm -
1pm EDT.

     * 5/24/07 Rob Gonda Flex Intensive for ColdFusion Developers
     * 5/31/07 Oguz Demirkapi Multi Language Applications in CF in 
Theory and Practice
     * 6/7/07 Peter Bell "Practical Code Generation: By Example"
     * 6/14/07 Patrick Quinn UI design concepts
     * 6/21/07 Mark Drew "CFeclipse Plus!"
     * 6/28/07 Live from show

You can get details on each talk, as well as RSVP, at:
The URL for each Acrobat Connect meeting will be, where you
would sign in as a guest.

The talks are on Adobe Acrobat Connect so you can listen in remotely via 
your PC with sound via the
internet. We are planning to record the talks and will provide URLs for 
later viewing after each
event. Looking forward to seeing you there!

* New CFUNITED podcasts released
  - Charlie Arehart - Web Services Tips and Tricks
  - Mike Nimer - Flex 2.0 and ColdFusion Integration 201

Charlie Arehart - Web Services Tips and Tricks

We all know that CFML makes web services creation and consumption easy. 
Still, there tips and tricks
that can solve common problems in working with them, or expose new 
possibilities you may not have
considered. In this presentation, veteran CFUG speaker Charlie Arehart 
will share some useful (and
some little used) features of ColdFusion MX, BlueDragon, and Dreamweaver 
MX to help you make the
most of web services. He'll also show several ways to test web services, 
as well as point out some
interesting and useful examples of real web services you can use in 
business today. He'll also cover
challenges of passing data between CFML and other web service apps, 
including .NET.

Mike Nimer - Flex 2.0 and ColdFusion Integration 201

Using Flex 2.0, you can now deploy Flex applications using any number of 
backend technologies
without the addition of a Flex server product. However, with the new 
ColdFusion-Flex connectivity
features, ColdFusion will have a significant advantage over all other 
backend technologies;
providing the most efficient data exchange, the easiest programming 
model, and specialized tooling
that make it the fastest, easiest way to build Flex apps  with or 
without the purchase of a Flex
server. This session will provide advanced details on RemoteObject and 
the CF-Flex connectivity
features including the use of value objects to exchange data between 
ColdFusion and Flex. General
tips and tricks related to data exchange between ColdFusion and Flex 
will also be discussed.
Previous experience with CF/Flex applications is highly suggested.

* CFUNITED-07 pre-conference classes iPod raffle

Everyone who signs up before Friday 6/15/07 5pm EDT will be entered in a 
raffle to win one Apple
iPod Nano. The iPod will be selected at random on Monday 6/18/07 from 
one of the people who are
registered for the class. Each class registration counts as one "ticket" 
in the raffle.

Registration and more info at

Monday 6/25
CU221   Rob Gonda       Flex Intensive for ColdFusion Developers
CU222   Ajay Sathuluri  CF Server Administration for Security and More
CU223   Oguz Demirkapi  Multi Language Applications in CF in Theory and 
CU224   Nate Nelson     Advanced Database

Tuesday 6/26
CU225   Peter Bell      Practical Code Generation: By Example
CU226   Simon Horwith   Architecting and Optimizing CF Applications for 
Performance and Scalability
CU227   John Paul Ashenfelter   Best Practice Bootcamp for Developers
CU228   Charlie Arehart         New in CFMX 6 and 7: What Did You Miss?

* Frameworks Conference Recordings and Presentations

We've posted the presentations and sound recordings of what we were able 
to recover from the
Frameworks Conference. We had some technical issues recording most of 
the advanced topics. The
recordings and presentations are available to the public. Enjoy!

* Interview with with Sandy Clark on "CSS and accessiblity"
This interview is published on Fusion Authority. Thanks Michael and Judith!

Thanks for taking the time to chat with me today, Sandy.

Sandy Clark: It's nice to chat with you, Clark.

CV: So everyone knows you're the official CSS guru of the
ColdFusion community.

SC: Oh, Clark, flattery will get you everywhere.

CV: So I see here you're not only into CSS, but also
accessibility, and you're doing a talk on both. Which came first?

SC: Accessibility, actually. CSS is just part of the toolbox I
use to make sites more accessible. Separating content from
presentation, which enhances accessibility, is a job for CSS and
Structural HTML together. Structural HTML supports the content
with extra information and CSS provides the presentational layer.

CV: So when people hire you for consulting gigs, is it usually to
enhance the accessibility of a site?

SC: Nope, most people hire me to fix their CSS. Of course, since
I know it enhances their site's accessibility, it works out just
fine as far as I am concerned.

CV: You're in the Washington, DC area right?

SC: Yes, I've been here about 5 1/2 years now.

CV: I imagine that living and working around so many government
agencies, you must get calls from businesses who just need you to
help them make sense of the whole accessibility, usability,
standards compliant, CSS, XHTML, universe.

SC: Quite often. It's still an unknown quantity for many people,
even here in DC, where Section 508 is a matter of law for many
Federal agencies and departments. I think that's one of the
reasons I evangelize it so much in the ColdFusion community. It's
a big deal for states and universities now and will eventually be
a major deal for businesses. (It will eventually come under the
Americans with Disabilities Act, ADA).

CV: So let me get this straight. They call you up, then you come
onsite and give them the CSS/XHTML religion to get them right
with the Web Standards gods?

SC: Doesn't Ben Forta do that with ColdFusion?

CV: As developers, not necessarily in the public sector, how
important is it that the sites we build are "standards

SC: I think it's very important. We've all had issues of trying
to make things cross-browser. It's painful and never really works
right. By working within standards, we make things easier on
ourselves and pressure browser makers to create browsers that
follow those standards. It's a slow and painful process, but it
is working. Microsoft's IE7 is much more standards-compliant than
6 was. IE8, which has been announced, will be even more
compliant. By working within standards, we guarantee that our CSS
works correctly, that our DOM is correct for Ajax applications
and that when a newer browser implementation comes along, our
pages will display correctly without reworking them.

CV: So you're saying a little pain now equals a lot of gain later on?

Read the rest of the interview at

Come to the premier ColdFusion conference of 2007 in Washington DC area 
(Four whole days). Note that you could spend the whole CFUNITED 
conference at Advanced CF topics, or
learning CF in the bootcamp or learning Flex and Apollo in our Flex 
track. Or deployment issue or
empowered programming or SQL! Plus in depth pre-conference classes from 
nationally know experts.
Check it out at

* Speakers include top names like Simon Horwith, Charlie Arehart,
  Hal Helms, Michael Dinowitz, Ray Camden, Ben Forta and many more respected
  CF authors and presenters.

* Great tracks:
   * Bootcamp - Basic ColdFusion and Flash topics
   * Advanced - Advanced ColdFusion topics
   * Manager/Empowered - Fusebox and Project management topics
   * Flex/RIA - Flash, Flex and other technologies integrated with CF topics
   * Accessibility / usability - section 508, CSS and disabled access
   * Deployment/Platform - tuning, install issues, OS, picking a database

* Included in your full conference registration is the following:

     * Attendance for 4 days (6/27/ - 6/30/07)
     * Keynote and General Sessions
     * All conference sessions including repeat sessions on Saturday
     * Entrance to Expo Area
     * Networking Events
     * Badge and Badge holder with bar scan code
     * Free Lunch for each show day (Dinner is not included)
     * Access to all presentations after the event, including all the 
     * Promotional bag with materials including show guide, CD, coupons, 
     * Opportunity to participate in all raffle drawings

* Can't stay 4 days Wed - Sat? Optional 3-day and Saturday only packages
   available too. Saturday will consist of repeats the most popular 
   from the week - something many attendees asked for last year!

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