Here is the ColdFusion and Fusebox news:

* Only 27 days left until CFUNITED-07!
* ColdFusion is Alive - partial survey results
* CFMeetup Thur 12:30pm - Oguz Demirkapi Multi Language Applications in 
CF in Theory and Practice
* New CFUNITED podcasts released
  - Drew Robbins - An End-to-end overview of Microsoft's New Web 
Application Server IIS7
  - Vince Bonfanti - BlueDragon - Five Years of CFUnited: Yesterday, 
Today and the Road Ahead.
* CFUNITED-07 pre-conference classes iPod raffle - only 16 days left
* Fusebox YouTube video competition ends 6/22/07
* Interview with Kurtis D Leatham on "Structures, Arrays, and practical
uses for both."

    "CFUnited is the premiere ColdFusion event where all members of the 
CF community,
    regardless of experience and skill level, come together to discuss 
and debate the
    latest techniques and technologies involving web application 
development with
    ColdFusion." -Brian S.(CFUNITED attendee)

Other great quotes from attendees about "Why people should attend CFUnited"

* Only 27 days left until CFUNITED-07! Hotel info. Special event info.

See the countdown flash widget on the CFUNITED site to find out exactly 
how many days, hours,
minutes and seconds until CFUNITED! Don't miss out on the ColdFusion 
event of the year.

If you would like to ride share your trip to CFUNITED, go to
then login and click "Share a Hotel" and place a request or view a request.

* ColdFusion is Alive - partial survey results

Some of you may have read the Computer World article listing ColdFusion 
as one of 10 dead languages
and Ben Forta's response, Ray's opinions and Adam's rant on this. 
Obviously ColdFusion is not dying
but how do you convice your clients that CF is the right solution? I am 
giving a talk at CFUNITED-07
on "Selling ColdFusion to Clients" that will cover what strategies to 
use for selling ColdFusion to
clients and how to deal with common objections that clients have. I also 
have partial results of the
survey on your experience with what arguments have been working on the 
Read more and see the survey results at:
(If you haven't taken the survey yet then please do! There is a link 
from the above page to it)

* CFUNITED-07 pre-conference classes iPod raffle - 16 days left

Everyone who signs up before Friday 6/15/07 5pm EDT will be entered in a 
raffle to win one Apple
iPod Nano. The iPod will be selected at random on Monday 6/18/07 from 
one of the people who are
registered for the class. Each class registration counts as one "ticket" 
in the raffle.

Registration and more info at

Monday 6/25
CU221   Rob Gonda       Flex Intensive for ColdFusion Developers
CU222   Ajay Sathuluri  CF Server Administration for Security and More
CU223   Oguz Demirkapi  Multi Language Applications in CF in Theory and 
CU224   Nate Nelson     Advanced Database

Tuesday 6/26
CU225   Peter Bell      Practical Code Generation: By Example
CU226   Simon Horwith   Architecting and Optimizing CF Applications for 
Performance and Scalability
CU227   John Paul Ashenfelter   Best Practice Bootcamp for Developers
CU228   Charlie Arehart         New in CFMX 6 and 7: What Did You Miss?

* How to get your boss to send you to CFUNITED
Having trouble getting authorization to attend CFUNITED - check out 
these top reasons for coming!

* User Group Manager Meeting Tues 6/26/07 -

* CFMeetup Thur 12:30pm - Rob Gonda Flex Intensive for ColdFusion Developers

CFMeetup is a weekly half hour technical talk from CFUNITED speakers. It 
is hosted by Raymond Camden
and Charlie Arehart of the Meetup virtual CFUG. The current schedule is 
every Thursday at 12:30pm -
1pm EDT.

     * 5/31/07 Oguz Demirkapi Multi Language Applications in CF in 
Theory and Practice
     * 6/7/07  Peter Bell "Practical Code Generation: By Example"
     * 6/14/07 Patrick Quinn UI design concepts
     * 6/21/07 Mark Drew "CFeclipse Plus!"
     * 6/28/07 Live from show

You can get details on each talk, as well as RSVP, at:
The URL for each Acrobat Connect meeting will be, where you
would sign in as a guest.

The talks are on Adobe Acrobat Connect so you can listen in remotely via 
your PC with sound via the
internet. We are planning to record the talks and will provide URLs for 
later viewing after each
event. Looking forward to seeing you there!

* New CFUNITED podcasts released
  - Drew Robbins - An End-to-end overview of Microsoft's New Web 
Application Server IIS7
  - Vince Bonfanti - BlueDragon - Five Years of CFUnited: Yesterday, 
Today and the Road Ahead.

Drew Robbins - An End-to-end overview of Microsoft's New Web Application 
Server IIS7

The future of Microsoft's Web Server Platform is exciting for 
developers! The release of Internet
Information Services 7.0 in Windows Vista and Server will dramatically 
improve the development,
deployment and management of web sites and applications. This demo 
packed session will highlight an
all new, distributed configuration system and administration tool, a new 
modularized core web server
with powerful new extensibility support. Most importantly, you will see 
how to plug in custom
modules, written in native or managed code, in order to implement 
entirely new capabilities for IIS
7 and the web applications it delivers. Learn how these advances and 
more make IIS the best place to
run ColdFusion applications.

Vince Bonfanti - BlueDragon - Five Years of CFUnited: Yesterday, Today 
and the Road Ahead.

Note: Part of the audio of this presentation was never recorded. Sorry 
about that!

2006 marks the fifth year that New Atlanta has been present at 
CFUN/CFUnited since BlueDragon was
first introduced at CFUN'02. Today, BlueDragon is firmly established as 
a world-class,
enterprise-ready alternative for deploying CFML applications in standard 
Java/J2EE and Microsoft
..NET server environments. During the first part of this keynote session, 
Vince Bonfanti, president
and co-founder of New Atlanta, will provide an overview of the history 
of BlueDragon and trace its
evolution over the years, highlighting significant customer successes in 
government, education,
health care, finance, retail, and other industries.

During the second part of this keynote, Vince will highlight and 
demonstrate some of the unique
features offered by BlueDragon and how you can use these features to 
improve your productivity and
the performance of your CFML applications. Vince will conclude by 
demonstrating some of the new
features being introduced in BlueDragon 7.0 that continue BlueDragon's 
tradition of innovation and
leadership in the CFML server market.

* Fusebox YouTube video competition ends 6/22/07

You've seen them - the ten minute presentations where Rails enthusiasts 
make a blog or some other
handy application to demonstrate the versatility of the framework. Now 
it's time for Fuseboxers
around the world to showcase their skill and the framework they love. 
Team Fusebox wants you to put
together a ten minute YouTube video and will reward the creator of the 
video that gets the most
votes with a bunch of good stuff. Confirmed prizes include a pass to 
CFUNITED with more to follow.
The idea behind the competition is to generate some buzz around the 
framework and get some Fusebox
demos out there to illustrate the power of the framework. We realize 
that a good deal of the power
of the framework comes from ColdFusion's extensive, simple tagset, but 
the same can be said for many

If you have an existing open source Fusebox app you want to demonstrate, 
that works too, just
remember that the code has to be publicly available.

The rules:

     * The application you build has to use Fusebox as the underlying 
     * You can use pre-built plugins, lexicons and code as long as the 
code is publicly available
such that people watching the demo can reproduce your steps and follow 
     * The winner will be the creator of the video with the most views 
according to YouTube's viewer
tracking numbers at the deadline, with a working application.
     * To be considered for the competition the video must be tagged 
"Fusebox" and "ColdFusion".
     * The video should be 10 minutes or less.
     * Any code plugins etc used in the demo should be publicly 
available, the location of which
should be referenced in the video description.


    1. Model-glue example - Blog in 9 minutes
    2. Ruby on rails example - Blog in 15 minutes

Screencast software you could use:

     * Captivate - $500 license but free trial
     * Qarbon - License and trial available

Deadline: June 22nd 2007 at 12pm (noon) CDT

* Interview with Kurtis D Leatham on "Structures, Arrays, and practical
uses for both."

Michael Smith: This time we are talking with Kurtis D Leatham
about his  CFUNITED-07 talk "Structures, Arrays, and practical
uses for both."  So why should a developer come to your session

Kurtis D Leatham:  Anybody who has developed an application using
any programming language has probably used an array or a
structure or something similar them.  In ColdFusion you have the
ability to create data containers using Arrays and Structures.
Better yet you can even mix arrays and structures together giving
you even more flexibility in storing and manipulating your data.
The developers who attend this session will learn how to build a
structure, an array, a multidimensional array (MD Array), and a
complex container using a mixture of arrays and structures.  We
will discuss how to populate the containers, retrieve data from
the containers, and show a few examples of where you can use one
of these containers. This class will show people that it really
isn't that difficult to use a structure, array, or a complex

MS: Can you give an example of why a structure, an array, or
complex container is useful?

KDL:  I use structures and arrays all over the place.  For me the
Structure is the perfect container for holding lookup type of
data.  I use structures that hold transaction codes and their
associated descriptions.  Once the code and description is in the
structure I have quick and easy access to all descriptions for
the code anywhere in my template.

MS: How would that look in code?

KDL: In the code itself these containers just look like variables
because they are usually created with a simple CFSET command.
Actually, I tend to think of structures and arrays as variables
with addresses for the data.  I think that way because a
structure is referenced by its name and key, while an array is
referenced by its name, row, and column.  Because these
containers are created like variables they can be named with
useful names making it easy to remember what kind of data the
container contains too.  That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t document
your code though!  I always document what kind of data is stored
in each column of a multi dimensional array, but I will go into
further detail on that during my presentation.

MS: That is so easy. Are there any other uses for structures?

KDL: I use structures as conditions in CFIF statements use them
as virtual look up tables, and I use them to format my end user
display.  Once you start using structures you won't be able to
stop using them!

MS: Ok you have convinced me that structures are cool! What about

KDL: Arrays are not much different from a getting you hooked
perspective.  Once you have solved a problem using an Array you
will wonder how you ever did certain things before.  I like to
use arrays to help me build dynamic queries, but my favorite use
for an Array is to merge data from two or more queries together.
If you can put all of your data into one container it makes
displaying the data to the end user simple.  During the
presentation I will show how to create an array that contains an
array that contains a structure. We will discuss the purpose of
this container, how to build it, how to populate it, and how to
use the data it contains.

MS: Wow that sounds a little complicated! Was it hard to program?

KDL:  Not really Michael, like all big problems all you have to
do is break it up into a sequence of small steps and then the
problem isn’t so intimidating.  In this case we will start out
with a simple 2 dimensional array.  As we populate the array we
will add another 2 dimensional array to one of the cells of the
first 2 dimensional array. As we populate the contents of the
second 2 dimensional array we will add a structure to it.
Finally we will populate the structure.  Not only does CF make
this incredibly easy but it also allows me to do a CFDUMP to show
the class what this container looks like.  As they say a picture
is worth a thousand words!!!

MS: Is this approach better than just storing the data in a

KDL:  Actually structures and arrays are tailor made to work with
data stored in database tables.  The presentation will include a
five table schema of the database used to populate the arrays and
structures.  All of the queries used in the application will work
with this database which will also be made available to the CF
United attendees.

MS: Will you have the code samples for attendees to study after
the session?

KDL:  You bet I will.  I have a sample application that can be
downloaded before or after the presentation that we will be going
over during the presentation.  The code is already documented but
I think it always help to have somebody explain the code as well
just to answer the, “What the heck were you thinking?” types of

MS: Cool - I am looking forward to seeing you at CFUNITED

KDL:  Thank you Michael, I can't wait!!!

Structures, Arrays, and practical uses for both.
Structures and arrays are powerful tools in any programmers
toolbox. Unfortunately many ColdFusion developers are either not
familiar with them or do not use them to their full potential.
We will cover structures, single and multidimensional arrays,
arrays that contain structures, and structures that contain
structures. In this session we will discuss how to create them,
how to work with them, and perhaps most importantly we will show
several real world examples of where and how to use them.  For
example we will show how to loop through an array to build a
dynamic query.  We will use structures for aiding our data
presentation.  And we will show how to use both structures and
arrays when manipulating data.

Speaker Bio:
Kurtis D. Leatham is the owner and chief developer for, a Cold Fusion and Flex application development
consulting company based in Boise, Idaho.  He has been working in
the Information Technology field since 1987 with the last seven
years exclusively as a CF Consultant.  During this time he has
designed, developed, and implemented three enterprise wide
applications that run the Idaho Real Estate Commission offices,
the State of Idaho Public Works Department, and the Industrial
Special Indemnity Fund of Idaho.  He has also performed work for
the Small Business Development Center of Idaho, the Central
District Health Department of Idaho, the Idaho Department of
Health and Welfare, and Amkor Technology.  Kurtis taught a
Relational Database Design course at Boise State University for 3
½ years.

Come to the premier ColdFusion conference of 2007 in Washington DC area 
(Four whole days). Note that you could spend the whole CFUNITED 
conference at Advanced CF topics, or
learning CF in the bootcamp or learning Flex and Apollo in our Flex 
track. Or deployment issue or
empowered programming or SQL! Plus in depth pre-conference classes from 
nationally know experts.
Check it out at

* Speakers include top names like Simon Horwith, Charlie Arehart,
  Hal Helms, Michael Dinowitz, Ray Camden, Ben Forta and many more respected
  CF authors and presenters.

* Great tracks:
   * Bootcamp - Basic ColdFusion and Flash topics
   * Advanced - Advanced ColdFusion topics
   * Manager/Empowered - Fusebox and Project management topics
   * Flex/RIA - Flash, Flex and other technologies integrated with CF topics
   * Accessibility / usability - section 508, CSS and disabled access
   * Deployment/Platform - tuning, install issues, OS, picking a database

* Included in your full conference registration is the following:

     * Attendance for 4 days (6/27/ - 6/30/07)
     * Keynote and General Sessions
     * All conference sessions including repeat sessions on Saturday
     * Entrance to Expo Area
     * Networking Events
     * Badge and Badge holder with bar scan code
     * Free Lunch for each show day (Dinner is not included)
     * Access to all presentations after the event, including all the 
     * Promotional bag with materials including show guide, CD, coupons, 
     * Opportunity to participate in all raffle drawings

* Can't stay 4 days Wed - Sat? Optional 3-day and Saturday only packages
   available too. Saturday will consist of repeats the most popular 
   from the week - something many attendees asked for last year!

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