On 6/1/07, Will Tomlinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Need help figuring out why Access throws up on this query. I don't see 
> anything wrong with it.
> select  a.id, a.title, a.body, a.projectidfk, a.useridfk, a.posted,
> p.name as project, u.name as author
> from lh_announcements a
> left join lh_projects p on a.projectidfk = p.id
> left join lh_users u on a.useridfk = u.id
> where 1=1
> <cfif structKeyExists(arguments, "projectidfk") and 
> len(arguments.projectidfk)>
>   and (a.projectidfk in (<cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar"  
> value="#arguments.projectidfk#" list="true">)
> or
> a.projectidfk = ''
> )
> </cfif>
> order by a.posted desc
> [Macromedia][SequeLink JDBC Driver][ODBC Socket][Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft 
> Access Driver] Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression 
> 'a.projectidfk = p.id left join lh_users u on a.useridfk = u.id'.

Try putting your joins in parens...

(lh_announcements a
left join lh_projects p on a.projectidfk = p.id)
left join lh_users u on a.useridfk = u.id

it seems like I've had an issue with that in Access before.

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