Funny-- I was just reading Sean Corfield's blog on GoDaddy hosting last

The general consensus is that 
1) Godaddy is very, very cheap.
2) You get what you pay for.

The only reason I keep considering godaddy is because I want unlimited
(or at LEAST 5 or more) separate domains for less than 10 dollars and
that just doesn't seems to exist outside of godaddy. 

I wish there was a hosting company that would let you pick the features
you want.  I don't give a crap if I can have 7000 FTP accounts, 93 ASP
plugins, and 8 million E-mail forwarders if I only get 100 megs of hard
disk space.

The real kicker for godaddy Windows hosting is that you get a program
called "GUIDMaker".  Whoa-- think what kind of functionality that little
puppy must have.  I asked their sales what it was once and they had no
clue.  Go figure.


-----Original Message-----
From: Will Tomlinson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, June 05, 2007 2:19 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: GoDaddy

Just for *hits'n'giggles I setup a CF godaddy account about a year ago. 
Even with removing the createObject() from the equation, I think godaddy
is terrible! They have a sucky website, sucky control panel, sucky
support, sucky everything. 

Except the price. 


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